Location, Travel, and Housing

2020 Architecture and Landscape Architecture Camp

The Architecture and Landscape Architecture Summer Camp set for July 2020 will be offered as a virtual camp as part of Penn State’s efforts to maintain public health and safety in the face of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Architecture and Landscape Architecture Summer Camp will be conducted in classroom facilities on Penn State’s University Park campus. The campus is located in the center of the state, at the intersection of Interstate 99/Route 26 and Route 322, 15 miles south of Interstate 80. Please see additional travel information below regarding driving directions and air or bus travel. Campers participating in the camp will be housed in residence halls on the Penn State campus. Participants should bring a pillow, pillowcase, blanket, soap, towels, clothes hangers, portable fan, alarm clock, and other personal items. Additional information about drop-off and pickup, as well as accommodations in residence halls, will be provided during early July by email to enrolled participants.


See our visitor information page for campus visitor information, including maps.

By Air

The State College/University Park Airport (Airport Code: SCE) is located near the conference site. Call 814-865-5511 or visit the State College/University Park Airport website for information on flights. Taxi service is provided to/from the State College/University Park Airport by several companies: Nittany Express (814-867-4646); Handy Delivery Taxi (814-353-6001); Golden Taxi (814-355-2200); and, AA Transit (814-231-8294).

By Car

The University Park campus is located within driving distance of many major cities, including Harrisburg (1.5 hrs., 90 mi.), Pittsburgh (3 hrs., 137 mi.), Philadelphia (3.5 hrs., 194 mi.), Baltimore (3.5 hrs., 155 mi.), Washington, D.C. (4 hrs., 190 mi.), New York City (5 hrs., 250 mi.), and Toronto (6.5 hrs., 304 mi.).

By Bus

Greyhound bus and Megabus are available from major cities to State College, Pennsylvania.


Camp participants will reside in the Penn State residence halls while the camp is in session (beginning Sunday evening through Thursday afternoon). If campers arrive prior to Sunday, or need additional lodging after the camp concludes, any arrangements for lodging are the responsibility of the camper. (Please contact Ann Goeke at agg12@psu.edu if you have any questions). All residence hall areas have television lounges and pay laundry facilities. Participants should bring a pillow, pillowcase, blanket, soap, towels, clothes hangers, portable fan, alarm clock, and other personal items.

Attendees may indicate one roommate preference on the registration form. Listing a roommate preference does not guarantee enrollment of the roommate in the program. If no preference is indicated, the housing office will assign a roommate.

The residence halls are an ideal lodging location for youth programs. Housing, Food Services, and Residence Life offers a secure and friendly environment for youth. The residence hall community also offers an excellent atmosphere for fun, learning, and growth.

Each floor is gender-specific and each building is normally assigned to only one gender. University policy requires that youth groups provide a minimum of one staff member for every 8 residential campers age 9 through 14 and one staff member for every 10 residential campers age 15 through 17. Residential counselors must be 18 years or older, of the same gender as the participants, and are required to successfully complete a background clearance. The housing office also provides one conference assistant per building for youth programs. Our conference assistants can help participants who need directions, experience homesickness, have roommate issues, etc.

Each hall has 24-hour, door-card access for assigned residents. Only residents can access the hall. The doors are always locked.

Because the security and safety of youth participants are important, youth attendees must be in their assigned residence halls by 11:00 p.m. University-student auxiliary police monitor the residence halls and surrounding areas overnight.